In a dispersed society, where information is abundant but subject to interests and where disinformation reigns, in times of no time, it is often difficult to measure, to show the…
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In a dispersed society, where information is abundant but subject to interests and where disinformation reigns, in times of no time, it is often difficult to measure, to show the…
We’re starting the year with great news here! If you’ve been following Raízes, you’ve probably noticed that we strive for quality of life for everyone involved – including ourselves, the…
2023 was a year full of movement at Raízes, with many new projects, partnerships, the arrival of wonderful new collaborators, and the closure of projects, with good results and a…
The whole world had its eyes on COP 28. This is the 28th edition of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)….
During the social projects that Raízes designs and executes, we work with what is known as human development, training people beyond just technical skills. This happens in the phases of…
Rooted in our culture and society, despite more than half of the population being represented by Black men and women, racism is still very much present, veiled, and often ignored…
The Pantanal is the largest floodable area on the planet and, renowned for its beauty and biodiversity, a great eco-tourism destination for Brazil. In recent weeks, the most talked about…
Building dreams and motivation, and living your daily life, having the means to support yourself and your family without having to leave your homeland behind. This is one of the…
Dona do Meu Fluxo means owner of my own flow and it is a project created and executed by Raízes in partnership with Korui. The project has a new date…
Have you heard of Tourism Characteristic Products? These are the activities and products that generate income for a particular region or locality, serving mainly tourists, but residents as well. These…
In 1999, the destination of Prainha do Canto Verde, in Beberibe (Ceará), Northeast Brazil, was considered for the TO DO! Award, an international award for Responsible Tourism (from Germany). And…
Following here, an article by Tourism Watch about tourism experience in Brazil : “Come in, the house is yours!” Many Brazilians still use this old saying to make visitors feel…