Female empowerment projects
A lot is said about the strength of female empowerment and the search for gender equity, but do you really know what it means in practice? How can companies contribute towards empowering girls and women? This is what we will be discussing here, in another episode of our “What we do at Raizes” series.
By UN Women’s definition, female empowerment is when women enjoy gender equality not only as an inalienable human right, but as a central principle of cultural, social, and economic development.
Therefore, it is to promote real change in a patriarchal society and to provide other living and community possibilities to girls and women regardless of their origin, color or social condition. It is to question the normalization of deeply unequal power relations between men and women, as well as to strive for a more dignified future with more gender equality.
These definitions are fully integrated into what Raizes stands for – and what the people who work here believe in. But in practice, how do we incorporate that into our performance?
Gender equity in thoughts and projects
The United Nations (UN) Fifth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is to achieve gender equality and empower all girls and women by 2030 – and this is one of the 4 SDGs at which Raizes particularly aims (find out which ones they all are by clicking here).
Raízes, being a company almost entirely made up of women, believes that the future is female, which is why we always prioritize projects involving feminine issues. In recent years, we have created specific development methodologies for these jobs, with content focused exclusively on the needs of this subset of the population.
In Brazil, focusing on this goal with the seriousness it deserves is particularly relevant, since we are a country with very high rates of domestic violence and femicides.
One of the projects we are mostly proud of is the “Owner of my Flow”, which combines volunteering and tourism to bring menstrual cups to the hands of socially vulnerable girls and women. We have already traveled more than 4,500 km all across Brazil to not only make these donations, but also to empower these women to have control of their flow and their lives.
In addition, we are also signatories to Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) by UN Women, and we honor the commitment to this improvement journey in our both our team and also in our actions.
Conheça o nosso programa “Entre elas”
Durante a execução de vários projetos da Raízes, nós inserimos um programa chamado “Entre elas”, que basicamente consiste em reuniões e/ou oficinas promovidas por mulheres para mulheres, sempre sobre temas do universo feminino.
Alguns exemplos de projetos em que esse programa foi inserido foram as iniciativas “Flores do Carmo”, “Sabores do Morro”, “Bordadeiras de Ipoema” e recentemente em “Barão de Cocais”, entre outros.
Um exemplo de atividade desse programa é a oficina “Auto estima e beleza”, em que convidamos uma visagista ou maquiadora para dar um mini curso com truques simples de maquiagem ás beneficiadas. Assim, ao mesmo tempo em que elas são capacitadas como empreendedoras pela nossa equipe principal, também aprendem a se cuidar e se amar mais um pouquinho com nossas outras parceiras.
Tratamos também saúde e alimentação, levamos o Dona do Meu Fluxo quando as mulheres são pertencentes a grupos vulneráveis, exploramos ainda temas como finanças pessoais, autoconhecimento e comportamento resiliente.
Aqui na Raízes Desenvolvimento Sustentável somos mulheres e lutamos diariamente para que a força do feminino se multiplique e se transforme nos territórios que atuamos. Vem com a gente?
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