Do you know cultural entrepreneurship? It’s the practice of starting and managing ventures whose main focus is the promotion and dissemination of artistic expressions, cultural events, and related activities. Cultural entrepreneurship also acts as a guardian, preserving traditions and contributing to the understanding and appreciation of this wealth that reflects the heritage of Indigenous peoples, Africans, Europeans, and so many others who have shaped our identity.
According to the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM), entrepreneurial initiatives in the cultural sector are fundamental to preserving humanity’s historical and artistic heritage. Entrepreneurship in the industry not only keeps a country’s memory alive, but also generates engagement and pride in the people.
Culture is an entrepreneurial activity. Although we may not always be aware of it, cultural events play a significant role beyond leisure entertainment: they are also important for the economy.
How much does Cultural Entrepreneurship generate in Brazil?
Cultural Entrepreneurship is part of the so-called Creative Economy, encompassing various activities with this appeal. According to the data panel at Observatório Itaú Cultural, the sector’s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Brazilian economy is 3.11%.
Data for 2021 from the Cultural Information and Indicators System 2011-2022 (SIIC), a partnership between IBGE and the Ministry of Culture, shows that 387,600 organizations were active in cultural activities, employing 2.1 million people, 75.7% of whom were salaried (approximately 1.6 million).
The figures reflect the positive impact of Cultural Entrepreneurship in Brazil and how it has stood out in promoting cultural diversity, preserving historical heritage, and generating economic opportunities.
Initiatives throughout Brazil in favor of Cultural Entrepreneurship
We believe that Cultural Entrepreneurship stimulates creative expression, motivating artists and creative individuals to seek innovation, experiment with new technical approaches and devise original solutions to cultural and social challenges.
With this in mind, we at Raízes Desenvolvimento Sustentável have teamed up with Instituto Vivas and Centro Cultural Tatajuba to hold training workshops for entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative sector. Some have already been held in 2023 and others will take place now in January 2024:
- Network Art Project (Arte em Rede)
The Arte em Rede Project, which took place in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, in October last year, was organized by Instituto Vivas in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and sponsored by Instituto Unimed de BH. One of the facilitators was Jussara Rocha, a partner and project director here at Raízes.
- Boosting Young Entrepreneurs Project (Impulsionando Jovens Empreendedores)
Also with Jussara’s participation and carried out by the Tatajuba Cultural Center, Raízes was present in Imperatriz in Maranhão to take part in the Impulsionando Jovens Empreendedores Project, sponsored by the Localiza Institute. The initiative took place between November 2023 and January 2024 with face-to-face cycles and online advice.
- Movimenta Cultura – Cultural Management Training Cycle
Movimenta Cultura is an itinerant training program promoted by the Tatajuba Cultural Center; made possible by the Cultural Incentive Law (Rouanet Law), sponsored by the Vale Cultural Institute and carried out by the Tatajuba Institute, the Ministry of Culture, and the Federal Government.
The first round of free face-to-face classes, which lasted a week, was held in November 2023, in Manaus, Amazonas, and was attended by Jussara Rocha.
The second round will take place from January 29 to February 2, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Department of Education in Aimorés, Minas Gerais. This edition will be attended by Mariana Madureira, founder and executive director here at Raízes. Registration is open until 6pm on January 24th. To take part, simply click here and fill in the form. It’s free, but a simplified selection process is carried out, regardless of the number of applicants. The number of people selected for the workshop may be less than the number of places if the applicants do not have the necessary profile. The results will be published on the project’s Instagram account.
In February, the third round of classes will take place, this time in Brumadinho, also in Minas Gerais, with our consultant Virginia Alfenas.
Cultural Entrepreneurship in Brazil is not just a response to the demand for entertainment, but a transformative force that roots communities in their identity, drives the economy, and embraces innovation. By supporting and recognizing the importance of these initiatives, we are investing in strengthening our culture and building a more vibrant and diverse future.