In the heart of Baixo Jequitinhonha, in Minas Gerais state, a project transforms lives and fosters entrepreneurship in the next generation. Mãos à Moda Jovem, an offshoot of the Young Entrepreneur…
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In the heart of Baixo Jequitinhonha, in Minas Gerais state, a project transforms lives and fosters entrepreneurship in the next generation. Mãos à Moda Jovem, an offshoot of the Young Entrepreneur…
2023 was the first time Dona do Meu Fluxo (Owner of my Flow) crossed borders and was present on Venezuelan soil. Over the year, 1,300 women were empowered. In October,…
How can women deprived of their liberty be reintegrated into society with dignity? Around here, we believe that developing an entrepreneurship project for women is a promising alternative. That’s why…
Intersectionality is one of the ideas that helps us realize that each of us is crossed by different markers, which operate in combined ways. [Infoescola] It is the study of…