Undertake projects that valorise tourism-related production and local genuine identity is a lot gratifying to us. Sabores do Morro market is one of these projects, and it has just completed 1 year of success in July.
The project Income Generation and Feminine Empowerment was developed with the help of the sponsoring of Fundação Vale and the technical implementation of Raízes. The project caused big changes on exhibitors’ lives, community and tourists from Morro d’Água Quente, Catas Altas-MG. The reflect of this project is the collaborative creation of Sabores do Morro Market, which is already on its 7th edition. It’s development also includes the participation of the group in six events out of town, and all of them were, of course, prepared in a very special way – this is how we guarantee the success of the project.
Check out on this video (accessible on our channel on YouTube) a summary of the impacts on the region and testimonials of the exhibitors. Below you can take a look on what happened and what will happen on the markets:
II Seminar of Minas’ Gastronomy Beginnings
On the 1st of June, the producers from Sabores do Morro participated on the II Seminar of Minas’ Gastronomy Beginnings – Between Mountain Ranges: from Piedade to Caraça, at Santa Bárbara. The event had the presence of local producers from Caeté and Barão de Cocais. This is a result of the Project Primórdios (beginnings), coordinated by SENAC-MG, which is supported by several partners who intend to research, bring back and broadcast the beginnings of the gastronomic tradition of Minas Gerais.
Bloggers specialised on food and owners of restaurants in Belo Horizonte, were invited to taste the products at a business meeting, which contributed to the producers as a good opportunity to increase their costumers and popularize their products.
Aproxima Market
Raízes and Sabores do Morro participated on the day 4th of the Aproxima Market – This event takes place at Belo Horizonte and is normally very disputed among costumers and producers from the capital and the countryside.
This was the second time Sabores do Morro participated on this market and the result obtained was very successful.
“Once again it was an enriching activity! The costumers are different from the ones we are used to deal with where we live, so the producers learn a lot and could captivate the clients with their different goods. They were very happy to take their products to the capital and see them being welcomed by everyone. With this experience, we are strengthening our brand and adapting ourselves to new challenges”. These are the words of Poliana Silva, local agent who represented the producers of Sabores at the Aproxima Market.
Special Edition for Valentine’s Day
Are you interested to get to know better our delicious features? The next edition of the market Sabores do Morro will happen one day before Valentine’s Day – 11th of June, Saturday. Besides our special products and live music, this edition will also host a bingo.
It will be from 10h to 16h, at Adro of Bonfim Church, at Morro d’Água Quente, Catas Altas – MG.
Collectivism is the Key
We believe collective force helps us build connective relations and income generation through engagement and valorisation of the potential of the communities. We are sure the market will be more opened to Sabores do Morro soon!