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Hire an inspirational talk with Raízes

By 20 de September de 2024News

What inspires you? Usually, listening to other people’s stories, sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences is one way. That’s why we believe that inspirational talks spark new ideas, motivate change and drive personal and professional growth, suggesting that the audience see the world in a new way, encouraging action and innovation.

Whether face-to-face, online or hybrid, these meetings can cover a variety of topics, from overcoming stories to success strategies in different areas, always with the aim of provoking reflection and encouraging positive attitudes. And here at Raízes, we too are inspired and inspire!

We organize and offer lectures and courses on topics such as entrepreneurship, tourism, associativity and networking, community development, innovation for sustainability and collaborative management. We have already organized more than 300 workshops and given 150 talks, including two recent milestones in Minas Gerais: one at the invitation of Coca-Cola FEMSA Brazil and another at the Inhotim Museum.

We’ll tell you a little more about them below.

Shaping tomorrow

Coca-Cola FEMSA Brasil held a free lecture called “Lapidating tomorrow: sustainable and valuable practices in tourism” on September 10 at 7 p.m. at the Cláudio Pinheiro de Lima Municipal School in Moeda, Minas Gerais. The event was part of the project “Sustain yourself. The tourism of now” and addressed the current profile of tourists, good governance practices, trends, and strategies based on market intelligence.

Conducted by Jussara Maria Rocha, a social entrepreneur and project director here at Raízes, the talk discussed how the tourism sector can adapt and prosper through sustainable practices in order to meet new market demands.

Sustainability and innovation in tourism

Also in Minas Gerais, but in the town of Brumadinho, Mariana Madureira, our executive director, spoke about tourism, sustainability, and innovation. The audience took part in a quiz on responsible, sustainable and regenerative tourism, ESG in tourism, tourism, and the SDGs, among other topics on the agenda. It was fun, participatory, and enlightening.

The meeting took place at the Inhotim Museum, during the launch of the new phase of Vale’s Tourism Program in Brumadinho, run by the Rede Terra Institute. We were honored to be invited!



If you’d like to bring inspirational talks like these to your organization, you can request a no-obligation quote using the “Contact” form on the Raízes Sustainable Development website. Simply fill in the form and use it in order to transform your event.