Casa Familiar Gilda

Casa Familiar Gilda (Gilda Family House) offers accommodation services, typical Cape Verdean food and is also a product  processing center. The enterprise is part of the Projeto Rota das Aldeias Rurais de Sato Antão (Route of Rural Villages of Santo Antão Project), which provided a training stage as well as individualized technical assistance sessions. Managed by  a  community leader, and a producer of Grogue (the typical drink of the region distilled from sugar cane), the Casa Familiar Gilda is located within luxurious scenery and lush landscapes. The project received guidance in order to showcase the benefits of the rural way of life, its aggregation and also how to rightly position its production ecosystem (transformation, packaging, brand,  product diversity), understanding its history as valuable (and potentially profitable) intangible differentials of its products.


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