Miguel Burnier Tourism Diagnosis

Period and duration

December 2022 to April 2023


Coverage and location

Miguel Burnier, Ouro Preto – Minas Gerais, Brazil


Raízes SD:

Mariana Madureira

Tauana Costa

Marina Claus Cardoso


Turismo 360:

Marcela Pimenta

Isabela Sette

Graziele Vilela

Renata Toffoli

After announcing the creation of Raízes 360 – the official partnership between Raízes Desenvolvimento Sustentável and Turismo 360 Consultoria – it’s time to put it into practice! Together for the first time, we are working alongside Gerdau, one of Brazil’s largest steel companies, to promote tourism in Miguel Burnier-MG.

In 2023, Gerdau invited us to develop a Diagnosis of the Tourism Potential of the district of Miguel Burnier, located in one of Brazil’s main destinations: Ouro Preto. The company has been present in the area since 2004 and has committed to the community to contribute to its development with projects in 10 strategic pillars, one of which is tourism.

The diagnosis is the first step towards the assertive development of this extremely strategic pillar for generating income in line with the appreciation and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this small town.

The scope of action

It took three months of intense work to analyze the existing tourist offer and also the potential for developing new facilities and attractions. Another objective was to map the players involved directly or indirectly in the sector, as well as other initiatives that could have an impact on the development of tourism in the district.

The axes of the research will be:

1 – Diagnosis of Tourism Potential

Analysis of local attractions, cross-checking with secondary data on the identified segment, the perception of the potential visitor profile, and the region’s context for tourism development.

2 – Tourism Governance and Needs Map

Analysis of regional and local tourism governance structures (tourist circuits, routes, municipal bodies, among others) and a map of shortcomings in this sector.

3 – Map of Local Actors

Active listening to tourism entrepreneurs and residents potentially interested in investing in this sector.

4 – Map of Initiatives

Survey of initiatives by Gerdau and other stakeholders in the district or region that could influence tourism in Miguel Burnier.

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