Turismologist who has been working in the area since 2008, with extensive experience in receptive tourism. Has worked at SPTurismo, Booking.com and in the commercial management of inns and agencies, in the years she lived in Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) and Lençóis (Bahia). In 2014 she specialized in Web Design and Digital Marketing, an area that performs consulting. Since college, had a great interest in a more sustainable tourism, which values the preservation and valorization of the communities and origins of the destination. Her greatest inspiration is to help local communities, involved in tourism, to get professional training and qualify their services, gaining more autonomy where they live. Entrepreneur in Mandakaru Consultoria, participates in Collective Muda! and at Raízes acts as a communication consultant in the projects PESC Itabira and Entrepreneurship and Tourism in Resplendor.
Carol Paiva
- Technology skills
- Creativity
- Team work
- Innovation
- Didactic
- Graduated in Tourism – Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
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