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How the creative economy is transforming Almenara, in Minas Gerais

By 1 de September de 2024News, Projects
Almenara - Economia Criativa

The performance of the Mãos à Moda Almenara project is going “from strength to strength”, as the saying goes! On August 8th, the initiative reached an important milestone: the project’s first production, the Capsule Collection, was launched. Entitled Alma Almenara, the products represent an innovative initiative in the development of designer fashion in Minas Gerais.

The presentation took place at the same time as another major achievement for the city, which was the inauguration of the Creative Economy Center, made possible by Almenara City Hall. The space will be dedicated to the development of the fashion production chain. It is a landmark of innovation, offering a structure for training, qualification and production in the sector.

The event was attended by the Mayor of Almenara, Ademir Gobira; Marden Magalhães, director of operations at Sebrae Minas; Rogério Nunes, regional manager for Jequitinhonha and Mucuri and Márcia Machado, manager of the Trade and Services Unit at Sebrae Minas.

We also had the honor of welcoming the young designer Antônio Castro, creative director of Foz, an authorial fashion brand from Alagoas, based in São Paulo.

Beyond fashion: protagonism and empowerment

The result of a partnership between the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) Minas, Almenara City Hall and Raízes Desenvolvimento Sustentável, this pilot project in Minas Gerais aims to strengthen the fashion production chain as a vector for territorial development, rooted in local cultural identity.

The Alma Almenara capsule collection is a celebration of the town’s cultural essence, inspired by local knowledge and traditions. It was divided into five themed lines that directly refer to the culture of Almenara: Bem-te-vi, from the home fashion line; upcycling was called Travessia; women’s fashion was named Entrelaços; the children’s line at Jardim de Adelícia; and the accessories line at Correnteza.

Each of these collections was carefully developed based on the traditions of the region’s master craftsmen, inspired by the weaves of Master João Cipó, the embroidered flowers of Master Adelícia and Diomilton, the Jequitinhonha River and the crafts of the boatmen, among other riches of regional culture.

“Taking part in the process of creating the pieces in the Alma Almenara Capsule Collection was a privilege. I am the daughter of a tailor and, as a child, I would sit at my father’s feet watching him carry out his noble profession, which he took pleasure in teaching. And the Hands on Fashion project has awakened talents in me that were dormant. I had the opportunity to continue the legacy left by my father, as well as to expand my embroidery skills, entrepreneurship, governance principles, among other things. Gratitude is the word that describes what I’m feeling!” said Sandra Botelho, one of the project’s beneficiaries.

This protagonism is fundamental since, among other things, the initiative aims to empower the women involved by recognizing and celebrating their talent and creativity. The production of the fashion show was carefully planned by the Raízes and Sebrae teams, including JussaraRocha, our partner and project director.

“The most striking thing is that the Mãos à Moda project has given voice and recognition to our history, making us realize that our simple customs have unique beauty and value. This is cultural empowerment that will make a difference to the community as an identity,” says Andréia Souto, another beneficiary.


Valuable partner

The Mãos à Moda Almenara project is not just a temporary movement, it is a legacy that aims to boost the creative economy scene in the state of Minas Gerais. The union of territorial identity, innovation and sustainability makes this project a benchmark in Brazil, demonstrating the power of fashion as a tool for social and economic development.

For these and other reasons, we are very proud to have been entrusted with this mission.

“Raízes is very special because it goes beyond being just a service provider. They get involved at every stage, fight for the success of the project and provide security for the participants, which makes all the difference. I see Mãos à Moda as a true collective construction, and I’m sure that the success we’re achieving is due to this three-way partnership between Sebrae, Raízes and City Hall. It’s a very strong synergy, accompanied by tireless dedication to making everything work!”, said Raquel Canaan, Sebrae-MG’s fashion, gems and jewelry project manager.

We couldn’t be happier after months and months of dedication.

With the launch of the Capsule Collection and the inauguration of the Creative Economy Center, Almenara is positioning itself as a hub of creativity and tradition, ready to take the best of local culture to the world. May more fruits come!