With a love of writing since childhood and inspired by listening to stories, Barbara Ataíde became a journalist.
She has spent 16 years in the communications industry, working as a reporter for MSN and as a press officer for major publishing houses in the country, coordinating teams and projects. In 2015, she started producing content for stories related to responsible tourism and social impact. Because of her experience, she has a broad view of communication. In one universe or another, the appreciation of people and Brazilian culture has always been present.
Among the businesses to which she has contributed are: Ediouro Group, Harper Collins, Rede Mulher Empreendedora (RME), Editora Belas-Letras, Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Ecoturismo e Turismo de Aventura (ABETA), Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) Brasil.