Entrepreneurship and Tourism at Resplendor

Period and duration

September 2018 to December 2019 (16 months)


Fundação Vale

Coverage and location

Resplendor – MG


Mariana Madureira

Tauana Costa

Jussara Rocha

Felipe França

Lizandra Barbuto

Mayra Temponi

Isabela Braichi

Tânia Brizolla

Carolina Paiva

Resplendor is a city with great potential for tourism, located on the touristic region of BARI at Minas Gerais state, close to the border with Espírito Santo. People get there by train, mainly departing from Vitória, the capital of Espírito Santo state. Arriving there they can get to know the gastronomic tradition of Minas Gerais and enjoy the views from Doce River, that crosses the city.

The migration of the younger generations that leave Resplendor to study and end up not coming back, added to the bankruptcy of a big dairy cooperative, and the aging of the population caused the workforce and income of the city to shrink.

The Project from Vale Foundation with Raízes arrives with the goal of generating income to the population by strengthening the tourism entrepreneurs of the region, stimulating this way the development of the productive chain and the touristic potential.


Project’s aspirations:

  • Technical qualification to generate good quality services and innovation of the touristic products;
  • Development of entrepreneurial and business management skills;
  • Market access, promotion and visibility of the destination;
  • Increase on the visitation and sales flow and network;
  • Improved local tourism governance and regional integration;
  • Generating income with the creation or strengthening of autonomous and sustainable business.

Number of beneficiaries

05 incubated local businesses;

A network in development.


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